Welcome to the Art Room!
Bringing elementary arts education to Clatsop County, Oregon.
Art Room After School
We are thrilled to announce that Art Room is expanding our offerings to include an after-school program: providing weekly standards-based arts education at no cost to students or their families. This program will launch on September 26th 2023 and run through the academic year. The program will be divided into 5 units lasting 6 weeks, with a capacity of 30 students per age bracket. By segmenting the program, we hope families can avoid conflict with other seasonal extra-curricular activities.
Unit 5: Puppetry
April 30th - June 6th
Unit 5 will explore the design, construction, and mechanics of puppets. Instructors will demonstrate techniques with paper, textile, foam, wire, and other materials to build: Finger and hand puppets, Stick puppets, and Marionettes. Using the skills and techniques learned throughout the unit, students will be encouraged to design, assemble, and manipulate a final creation using materials of their choice, offering endless opportunity for creativity and exploration.
© Art Room 2022
Email us: info@artroomastoria.org